Civil War Cartoons
An essay on Civil War cartoons along with images of some of these political cartoons. Civil War Era newspapers of Pennsylvania and Boston
Mainly articles containing people's names and possibly of more use to geneologists. Harper's Weekly Newspaper -- 1861 To 1865
Harper's Weekly was the most popular newspaper during the Civil War, and it featured stunning illustrations, and in depth stories on all the important people and events of the war. Click on a year and then click on one of the front pages from that year to bring up some of the actual stories and sketches from that issue (these may actually be the full issues). If you click on a page from an issue a larger, readable version appears at the bottom of the webpage. This is a site in progress and issues are being added continuously.
Harper's Weekly Newspaper -- 1865
This site contains articles from every issue of Harper's Weekly for the year 1865 along with almost all of the articles that actually appeared in each of the issues. It's an interesting look at what the people in the North were reading about the war in its final months. The site also has some of the advertising that appeared in those issues--it's interesting to see what people were buying and selling back then as well. HarpWeek
Civil War stories from the pages of Harper's Weekly. The Historical New York Times Project
Chapter 2 - The Civil War Years 1860-1866 These are images of the actual newspaper articles taken
from old copies of the New York Times. A lot of the reproductions are hard to read, because the letters are smeared in places,
but with a magnifying glass you can read the text in spite of the poor quality of the originals used in making some of these
images. Also see "New York Times -- Civil War" entry in this folder.
NY Times -- New York Times -- Civil War
Re-typed articles about the ACW (a few of the major events only). EDITORIALS FROM AROUND THE COUNTRY CONCERNING...
John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry (1859) EDITORIALS FROM AROUND THE COUNTRY CONCERNING...
The Dred Scott Case (1857) Civil War Newspapers
A broad sampling of mostly Southern newspapers like The Houston Tri-Weekly Telegraph, The Arkansian, Leavenworth Daily Times, Nashville Daily Union, Savannah Republican, etc., from 1861 to 1865. Civil War Newspaper Articles
Kaufman County, Texas Civil War News: Headlines from History
Go down the page a ways to "Wartime Headlines " where the newspaper clippings begin (on the left hand side). Editorial Commentary
1854 to 1861 secession era editorials. Editorials on Secession Project
Click on "Newspaper" or "Editorials" to get a listing of the contents. This is a site in progress with more to come. Note the tiny map in the upper left corner of the website that you can use to select editorials by city. Newspaper Articles
Star And Sentinal, Gettysburg, PA (about the battle of Gettysburg), and The New York Times (various articles from 1861-1865). Newspaper Articles about the Civil War
Only a few articles in the 1861-1865 timeframe. Most are from the 1830's and some were published after the war. Pennsylvania Civil War Newspapers
Click on SEARCH and then choose either broadband or dialup for your modum type when the next window comes up. When the third window comes up choose the article by newspaper, day, month, and year. You'll see the entire front page of your selected issue. Use the big arrows to move from page to page in the issue. Put your cursor over a column of the page and click--this brings up a readable size text of the entire column in a new popup window. The collection is at Penn State University. Richmond Newspapers
The Dispatch, Enquirer, Examiner, Sentinel, and Whig, 1861-1865. Hundreds of articles on file. Valley of the Shadow - Civil War Newspapers
Newspapers from Augusta, VA & Franklin, PA. Wisconsin Civil War Newspapers
The webpage gives you a table with available clippings. You click on the word "View" in the table entry to bring up the actual clipping. There are 230 entries and you use the "Next Page" at the bottom of the table to bring up the next list of clippings. Site is for the Wisconsin Historical Society and these are photo-images of the articles rather then retyped translations. Four Years Under Fire at Charleston
By W. F. G. Peck. Originally published in Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, August 1865 GENERAL EFFECTS OF THE SHAKE
October 8, 1865. From The Daily Alta California -- California quake. THE BALTIMORE PLOT TO ASSASSINATE ABRAHAM LINCOLN.
Originally published in Harper's New Monthly Magazine; June 1868 The Civil War In New York City
The draft riots, the Confederate attempt to burn the city, etc. X
Fields Of Conflict -- The American Civil War
This meter isn't counting individual visitors. It counts page views and is periodically set back to
zero (usually on a monthly basis).